AXHUM Consulting
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
World Branding Committee
Design Strategy Produce / Branding Design/Brand Strategy / Corporate Identity / Corporate Marketing Strategy
CEO and President of Axhum Lippincott, based in Tokyo. Hiro founded Axhum Consulting in 1989, after working as a strategic director at PAOS, pioneer of corporate identity and branding in Japan. Axhumʼs collaboration with Lippincott started in 2005, and Axhum Lippincott was established in 2013.
In partnership with top corporate executives of leading Japanese corporations, Hiro has created a number of success stories in the field of corporate branding over the last 30 years, formulating corporate principles and business vision, growth and marketing strategy, brand voice and corporate communication, product development and design, as well as employee activation.
Hiro has directed a variety of projects at Axhum, including comprehensive brand strategy for Merrill Lynch PB Securities, rebranding of Sony Walkman, brand development for Nisshin OilliO, brand development and launch for Solaseed Air, and branding for Keio University and Okinawa
In collaboration with Lippincott, Hiro has directed branding projects for Sysmex and TEL including corporate principles development, logo and design system development and launch, product branding, and employee activation.
Hiro is a expert in the unique Japanese corporate culture and its systems and highly trusted among top management and branding teams of Japanese corporations and is a leader in the field of branding in Japan.
He is also a lecturer at Aoyama Gakuin University, Chairman of Corporate Identity Council of Japan, Chairman of World Branding Committee.
Hiro has a B.A. from the Faculty of Library and Information Science, Keio University
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